Thursday, January 14, 2010


How beneficial it is to the person who can learn to take the positive with the negative. Or as this blog is titled; the pluses with the minuses. It seems that with every emotion we experience throughout our lifetime there is a reciprocating situation that would give us the excuse to revert. With almost every positive thing that happens, negative somehow finds a way to peek around the corner and creep into our lives. We have to be ready for this.
Knowing that you cannot live on a spiritual, or emotional high, the balance of emotions is only natural. There will be bad things and good things. It is truly an elementary principle at it's essence. Good and bad, light and dark, so and so forth. Each one of these things wouldn't be the same without the other.
We have all heard the sayings like; "joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain." You can pretty much insert whatever reciprocating terms you would like and it becomes truth. It is because they cannot exist without each other. knowing this and keeping this in mind shouldn't spur to live our lives through a negative lens per say. In which we don't enjoy the good things in life because we know negative is on its way. Rather, we should live out each experience focusing on the positive of each situation. With every negative thing we can take some positive, it gives us opportunity to work harder, to bind together, to cast new vision, and to experience life in a seasoned fashion.
Last night at our 678 Junior High mid week service, we had a great time. It was our second week since we came back from break, and numbers hit the mark, worship was great, and 12 students even had the opportunity to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. That is something to be excited about for sure. There was electricity in the room, everyone was excited and already can't wait for next week. So with all of this positive that happened last night of course negative is gonna try and overtake my mind. A few unfortunate but necessary decisions were made today in the office that will affect a few elements of 678 J High ministry. Initially my ridiculous flesh wanted to be angry, to tell someone off without any right to. It is almost as if our flesh wants us to be negative, our humanity wants us to dwell on the minuses. It is amazing to see how God used this situation to say to me, " it's not about you." It is isn't about me.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill

Bottom line is this. With every positive there is negative. With every negative there is positive. Glass half empty half full jargon. Remember that old saying. Well, it couldn't be more true. Use the negative situations in life to be positive. Stop living with all the minuses and be one of those plus people.

Read 1 Peter.

The Bible gives us a great example of someone dwelling on the negative. A person who is dining with friends saying eat, drink, be happy, and all that jazz, but all he is thinking about is the bill. Instead he could be thinking about the fun and fellowship as we call it in the church.

Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."

Nobody likes a negative person.

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