Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lessons from ze Pinscher.

This is my puppy. Costner. Yes named after the greatest actor ever, Kevin. Costner is a 13 week old Mini Pinscher. He is a goofy little guy always wanted to play or run around. I learned quickly that his priorities in life consist of Playing, Eating, Sleeping, and of course releasing his waste all over my house. It is funny, how instinctual dogs are. They can feed off your energy. They know when you are mad, happy or tired. In regards to their priorities in life, if one of them is missing then they won't be happy. Sad Puppy. If they have a balance of all of the above mentioned priorities or needs then they are happy and love life.
It may seemingly be a stretch to grab some sort of spiritual relevancy from a puppy. Yet I am reminded of my own priorities. My life accounts, what I need to be happy, and what is required for me to perform highly in this thing called life.
I need friends, family, God, entertainment, sustenance etc, etc. It is interesting, when I am missing one of these elements to my life, I act like a sad puppy. Life isn't as efficient, almost like I am running on one leg. When all of the priorities are in order, I am happy. It is a simple principle to understand but harder to put into practice.
When we are hungry we eat, when we are bored we chill with friends and family, when we are thirsty we drink. How come when we are spiritually weak, it is so hard for us to swallow our pride and humble ourselves before God? It seems the most important priority in our lives is often times the most difficult to keep in order. Probably because so much is hinged upon our attempted success in this area.

"Don't keep worrying about having something to eat or drink ... But put God's work first, and these things will be yours as well" (Luke 12:29,31, CEV).

PS. I blog for myself, to get my thoughts down, not because I am really really ridiculously intelligent and full of myself.

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