Thursday, November 19, 2009


So often we think about miracles and healing, or people being delivered from life threatening situations or even redemption as this far off ethereal principle that is only in the past or a story in the Bible.
I literally just got done preaching to our Middle School students at their morning chapel. It was amazing to see the response. It is always cool when as a preacher you have revelation in the middle of your message. In fact it has been a while since I have felt this way in the middle of my delivery. My realization is that there is so much power in our God.
Reading the story of the Dead Girl and Sick Woman. Where Jesus goes to raise some girl from the dead as if she was sleeping, and on the way a woman is healed by touching his clothes. For real, is their really this much healing and living power flowing out of this guy? It is truly amazing to think about.
The Bible is full of stories of deliverance and redemption, healing and miracles. The same Jesus that performed miracles, the same God that delivered Daniel from the mouths of hungry lions wants to redeem us, and our mess ups, hang ups, habits, hurts, sickness, pain, doubt, self pity, depression, etc...etc.. The bottom line is it doesn't matter what the deal is, what it is we need help with, God's power is so great and by the Blood of the Son we have true healing and true life.
I am writing this blog on a spiritual buzz right now, so forgive any rambling, but I am so excited. Excited that I worship a God that is capable of everything. That I worship a God that answers prayer, because HE DOES. He is in the business of the miraculous. We need to grasp that, when we pray with faith, when we ask in His name, that the answer is on the way. Thank Him for what He has done, and is about to do, and pray for peace and patience while we wait for that answer.
We often wonder why healing and miracles are not as widespread in our country as others. It is not that God is more powerful there, but that the people have more faith. Yes I just wrote that. They have more faith. So many times we see that God moves the most with the people that have the least. They have less to rely on, to turn to and less things to try to resolve their problems with. They put their faith in God as opposed to man, and in reward for that their prayers are answered.
I want to fully rely on Him, everyday. I want to live a life of true faith, walk it out daily. I want to see the miraculous in my life.
In the chapel service this morning, I read stories from the Bible of healing and deliverance but ended with a modern story of a Doctor. He wasn't a believer, but heard the voice of God when he was standing next to a stretcher of dead man that was being prepared to be sent to the morgue.
The Holy Spirit told him to pray for him. He said; "Lord Father, how am I going to pray for this man? He's dead. What can I do? Father, God, I cry out for the soul of this man if he does not know You as his Lord and Savior, please raise him from the dead right now in Jesus name."
Guess what happened next. Beep. Heartbeat, wiggle of toes, mumble of words, oh raised from the dead!
The nurse asked him what he did. He simply said; "I cried out for his soul in Jesus' name."

Simple. Faith. Ask. Miracle.

We know what HE can do, it is time we start letting him.

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