Thursday, April 29, 2010


I am completely in awe of what is capable when people are truly united in cause, purpose, voice, and hearing. Last night we concluded our two week UNITED series. Our high school and junior high groups were combined for two services. It is not the first time that we have done this, just the best. Everyone agreed that something was different about these two weeks, the atmosphere, the presence, the vibe, whatever you want to call it. It was truly amazing. Before each service we prayed that we would truly be unified, united as one voice, singing one song to God.

We learn of unified voices in the Word of God. Jericho's walls crumbled when all lifted up a noise together in unity. The power of voice, of unified voice is no different today. It was proven last night and last week. God wishes us to be together to be one with him, his church, his children. Gosh this youth group hangover is the best one I have ever had!

Psalm 133:1
1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!



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