Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rendezvous for Nostalgia's Sake!

When you grow up on the east coast, and in the tradition, liberalism and history that is New England you notice the differences from coast to coast. I lived in CT, MA, and PA for my entire life until this past year. Tread where the country was first formed and where faith first found it's identity is something that I do not take for granted. When I go back to the east from California I can sometimes feel the history and the difference in culture. The west coast is still young, new, and the struggle to find relevancy is far easier than on the east. (that is another days blog) There is no doubt that when friends from the east coast find themselves out here in my new region of the USA that I am going to definitely do my part to rendezvous.
I had a few friends who were making there way down the west coast on tour with their band and another band that we had all grown up listening to. It is funny how whenever old friends get together there is the initial catch up glances and pleasantries. After all the primary excitement, you fall back into the friendship as if no time had gone between your visits. (someone said, that is true friendship.) You find yourself sharing old stories about old memories or common friends. Essentially you are filling in the gaps that were created because of your lack of communication. I had the opportunity to spend two nights with my friends, here in Sacramento and again in San Francisco. Each night was different conversations and different memories shared. During it all new memories were made.
After my friends were done playing there set we found ourselves standing stage left, listening to our adolescent musical interest. Here I am, old friends, nostalgic music, and new memories, on a complete opposite coast from where we grew up.
I found myself not knowing any of the new music, but looking forward to the old songs being played. Ultimately, just like in my friendships it was my job to stay up to date on the new releases and singles by this band, otherwise I would be lost, like I was. With friendship it is the same, stay in touch, communicate, share stories and information on friends, be friends. I sometimes joke with friend who I haven't hung with in a while and say, "Hey let's be friends or something sometime soon."
The bottom line is this. For nostalgia's sake, make the extra effort to stay in touch with friends, so those gaps are smaller and smaller each time you rendezvous.

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