Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Wake Up Time.

The faint distinction of sonar is going off in my head. No I am not underwater or watching the Hunt for Red October. It is my alarm clock. If you have an iphone you know the limited choice in tones. I roll over, debate hitting the snooze button or turn the alarm off and getting started with the day. I get up (thankfully) look out the window at the cold, dark, and quiet morning. It's wake up time.

It is an interesting process for humans, waking up that is. If you watch dogs, they simply get up and start running around, but humans need a good while to wake up, to clear their minds, open their eyes and get going. Every morning is quiet around the office. (I like my mornings quiet.) It is a good time to reflect and think, plan, and organize the day. None of these previously mentioned items can be accomplished while you are sleeping. Sleep is good for the renewal and refreshment of body and mind, very necessary. Yet from a performance stand point.....not the best. Knowing I will sleep over a third of my life away, is enough for me to get up and get going. (most mornings)

This principle parallels with all aspects of our lives. Some of us sleep too much, sleep walk, don't sleep enough, or day dream. Some of us walk through every routine of life with no real productivity or performance. The kid who sleeps in class or church, or the A student that simply goes through the motions just to pass and be eligible for sports. (that was me)

Regardless of how you look at it, we need to wake up. We can't be affective or productive in any way, if we are simply going through the motions and literally or figuratively sleeping our life away. It reminds me of my favorite verse:
Ephesians 5:14
For it is light that makes all things visible.
This is why it is said;
"Wake up of sleeper, let Christ's
light shine upon you."

I love how simple this verse is. We need to apply this to our lives, I need to apply this to my life. If we live with Christ, we are an alarm clock, we are light. We need to make it our mission to wake people up, to give them the opportunities to let Christ's light shine upon them. This is simply not happening if we are hitting the snooze button every day. Think about it, the easiest thing in the world is to hit the snooze button, it takes extra effort to wake up.

All too often we blame our lack of productivity and performance on not setting our alarm clock or our alarm clock not going off. How many times did you say this as a kid when you were late to school. "My alarm clock didn't go off." Please, we are responsible for our alarms not the other way around. No more "five more minutes mom," stuff. Time to wake up, time to share the light.

It is wake up time. (Also a very good Tom Petty song.)

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