Monday, September 14, 2009

What I learned about Gossip.

I am a very privileged person to not only be a part of a church staff where the team mentality is overwhelming but a church staff that truly inspires each other. Today I was sitting in church, in the front row where I like to sit. ( no i don't say that, because that makes me an awesome Christian, I just like the front row) I was listening to Rick Cole deliver a message on gossip, it hit home. Not so much that talking behind peoples backs, but he touched on a topic that I think all of us can relate to. Sometimes we talk about people, and that's ok, but sometimes we gossip. Basically it boils down to us being relational people, and it is natural to talk about our relationships. Yet it is very important to recognize in what way we are speaking about people. Pastor Rick gave us four questions to ask when somebody talks about someone else. He can offer way better insight on this topic, seeing that he spoke on it. So if you are interested you should definitely check out the latest message by clicking the picture below. Good stuff. I am certainly grateful that I can be inspired on a weekly basis at the church that I am a part of and while I am serving. The message should be up.

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