Thursday, September 17, 2009

Everybody likes Milk.

Where the student ministries building is located, it allows me to walk past part of the pre-school campus of Capital Christian School. While walking through today I got to witness one of the things that I may miss most about being a kid. Milk/Nap time! At the same time everyday these kids get a carton of milk, shortly after this snack of vitamin fortified, calcium and mineral rich delight they get a rug square and a pillow and pass out for a half hour or so. Oh to be a kid again where we can sleep when we want to, and have milk served to us.
This milk/nap time spurred a thought in me. Why do they get milk? Why not apple juice or something else? If you take a look at milk it filled with vitamins a, d, b12, riboflavin, phosphorous, and of course calcium. All of these things combined are better than captain planet, they make the most nutrient dense natural substance in the world. Something we call, "Milk." Or you can pronounce it "melk" if you are from the Northeast.
Basically, milk promotes strong bones, growth and development, energy and movement. What a fantastic drink. It reminds me of eating dry cereal, and how it is pretty good, but when you add milk to it, the cereal becomes an amazing meal capable of being consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, anything! Milk provides taste and draws out the taste in cereal. After all Milk is the mother of the wonderful american cream!

1 Peter 2

1Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

What a great passage to help understand the importance of our personal devotion to God on a daily basis. Just like milk that children drink, spiritual milk is important to the maturity, growth and development of us as women and men of God. My favorite part about all of this is the simple fact that we learn that the Lord tastes good. Kind like milk and cookies, except this milk has more than vitamin d and calcium, it has "vitamin holy spirit." Yes I just wrote that. ( I am middle school pastor)
It reminds me of a story. My brother Jordan used to love cookies and milk. Yet he had a problem with spill his glass right when he was about to enjoy his snack. The look on his face would say it all, disappointment. So sad, till my mother would with a fresh glass. Kid was excited to drink his milk! Just like Jordan we need to be excited about what we are putting into our soul, what we are feeding our mind with. What we are challenging our spirit with.

So very simply, with the same importance that we recognize in giving our children the vitamins and minerals and substance needed for their growth and development, we need to be applying to our spiritual growth and development. This being spiritual milk. Prayer, devotion, worship all milk. Whether you prefer, 1, 2, whole, skim, hemp, soy, yak, lactaid for the intolerant, or goat milk, it doesn't matter.

Drink some Milk!!!! "It does a body good."

1 comment:

  1. Great article Jared! I love the parallels you drew. (I miss those spilled milk days...)
